Mission & Vision


SCRIPTURE REFERENCE: Acts 2:42 (NKJV) – And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.
DESCRIPTION: The book of acts illustrates how the early church succeeded in knowing and expressing God. The four things they continued in according to Acts 2:42 form our mission as a church;
a) To continue steadfastly in the Word
Knowing the word of God is critical for sustaining our intimacy with God. In addition, our ministry to other people is only effective when it is done according to the word of God.
b) To continue steadfastly in fellowship
Sharing our feelings and experiences is essential for our growth. When we cultivate relationships with other believers, there is a blessing that God releases that is not available without such relations. We cultivate fellowship by meeting together and shares in our “inns”-Ps 133, 1 Jn. 4:12
c) To continue steadfastly in communion and worship
Breaking of bread represents our communion with God. This gives us an opportunity to remember Christ, give Him His rightful place in our lives and allow Him to use us to further His course on the earth. Worship is a deep way of communion with God and it also forms a key part of our communion
d) To continue steadfastly in prayer
Prayer develops our intimacy with God. It is also a weapon against the enemy. As Innkeepers, we seek to develop our prayer life by taking time to pray every day. We are also encouraged to in addition fast as we seek to keep up with the rhythm found in Numbers 28-29; 1 day in a week, the beginning of each month, and 3 major seasons in the year.


SCRIPTURE REFERENCE: Isaiah 37:31 (NKJV)- And the remnant who have escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.
DESCRIPTION: The vision of Inn Keepers Ministry is to grow in depth and fruitfulness through knowing God and showing Him to other people.

Core values

There is a process of preparation God takes us through in order to make us what we need to be. As the children of Israel journeyed from Egypt to the Promised Land, God stopped the Israelites eight times to teach them valuable principles. He wanted them to keep their eyes on the Promised Land, and not on Egypt. These lessons are important and they represent the core values of Inn Keepers Ministry. If we abide and practice these principles then we will live a life of depth and fruitfulness.

The eight core values include:
a) Righteousness and Holiness – Exodus 12:37
b) Stewardship – Exodus 13:19-20
c) Praise and Worship – Exodus 14-15
d) Witnessing – Exodus 15:22
e) Service – Exodus 15:27
f) Discipline of Bible study – Exodus 16
g) The power of the Holy Spirit – Exodus 17-18
h) Prayer – Exodus 19-33